Trees And Shurubs in Cyprus

Fiyatı: 2827 TL

Yazar: Georgios N. Hadjikyriakou, Takis C. Tsintides, Charalambos S.

Yayınevi: Yabancı Dilde Kitaplar

Tür: Genel Konular / Ekoloji ve Çevre Bilimleri

Sayfa sayısı: 445

Kapak türü: Ciltli

Kağıt türü: 2. Hamur

Dil: Türkçe

Baskı: 2002 / 1. baskı

Kıbrıs kitabı

Barkod: 9963560504


“The purpose of the book […] is to fill a gap in the Cyprus literature on this specific subject, by providing a comprehensive account of the woody plants grown on the island. The only comparable available publication is the significant work of Mrs. Esther F. Chapman, ‘Cyprus Trees and Shrubs’, published in 1949. That publication, however, cannot meet present needs, since exotics and adventives are not included, photographs are totally absent, and it is available only in English. Approximately 360 species of trees, shrubs and subshrubs are presented here, including indigenous, adventive and exotic plants. Brief references are also made to about 40 very rare exotics. All indigenous and adventive species have been included; among the exotics, those that are commonly grown and those cultivated for many years but which are becoming rare today are also described. Emphasis  has been placed on species found in public areas like parks, reforestration and roadside plantations. Additionally, some fruit trees, primarily agricultural but with ornamental potential have been included. A number of introduces species, generally used as interior or pod plants, have been omitted, as well as some exotics that are extremely rare, usually found only in botanical or private gardens. Some of the species described are neither shrubs nor even subshrubs in the strict sence of the term; however they have been included either because of their size or their botanical value. Certainly this approach is rather arbitrary, but it must be appreciated that there is no clear-cut division between a subshrub and a perennial herb with a woody base. Moreover, is the stated aim of this book to include as many of the indigenous woody plants as possible […]” – Introduction

Genel Konular / Ekoloji ve Çevre Bilimleri


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